Welcome to the 2017 programme.

Please be aware there may be changes which may need to be made during the year so check out the Monday Night section on the homepage and for more comprehensive information about the speakers, competitions, or member’s evenings.

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[toggle title=”January”]

9th  Member’s Evening

An informal competition with the theme of ‘Autumn / Winter’

This will be a member voted knockout competition.

16th Chris Shepherd

Composition & Catastrophe
Two separate half evening technical talks, making for an evening where beginners and experts alike can learn (or be reminded) of something;

Considering Composition – we often hear talk of “The rules of composition”, but what are those rules and should we ignore them ?

In this talk we explore the compositional tools we have available to us to make our pictures just a bit more interesting.
If you do one thing today – its a new digital world and yet not many of us stop to think how easily we could lose all our information.

In this talk we scare ourselves with tales of what could happen to our computers, photographs and information then look at ways to mitigate those risks.
23rd Peter Warne

Copped Hall – Photos of the restoration process and the surrounding countryside

30th Walker Projected

Round one (of three) of the Walker Projected Competition.

Members may submit up to four digital images.

[toggle title=”February”]

6th Member’s Evening

Night time photography

13th Projected image competition at Chingford Photography Society

See their website for details

20th Neil Philips

Photographing insects and invertebraes

27th Walker Projected

Round two (of three) of the Walker Projected Competition.

Members may submit up to four digital images.


[toggle title=”March”]

6th Members Evening

Preparing for competition

13th Basildon Trophy

Black and White print competition.

Held at Chingford PS. The third club is Enfield PS.

20th Walker Projected

Round three (of three) of the Walker Projected Competition.

Members may submit up to four digital images.

27th Alan Leas

My Uncle Alfred Eisenstaedt



[toggle title=”April” class=”in”]

3rd Wally Killmartin Memorial Lecture

Simon Weir – Beyond Visible Light

A journey into infra-red

10th 1 in a 100 Competition

Held at Chingford Photographic Society. Barking and Harlow also taking part

17th No Meeting – Easter Monday

24th Walker Print Competition

Round one (of three) of the Walker Print Competition

Members may submit up to four prints.


[toggle title=”May”]

1st May – No meeting (bank holiday)

8th John Cross (our very own intrepid traveller)

15th Walker Print Competition

Round two (of three) of the Walker Print Competition

Members may submit up to four prints.

22nd Member’s Evening

“In the style of…..”

Following the success of the competition last year we are holding it again in 2017.

Members must submit two photos, the first a photo that inspires them and the second their own, ‘in the style of’ the first.

The number of entries a member may submit will be informed closer to the date.

29th No Meeting (bank holiday)


[toggle title=”June”]

5th Dr Tony Kaye

How many pixels do you need and are you getting good value from them?

12th Walker Print Competition

Round three (of three) of the Walker Print Competition

Members may submit up to four prints.

19th City Walk

A members evening where there will be a photographic ramble around the City (somewhere)

26th Summer Photography Course


[toggle title=”July”]

3rd Summer Photography Course

10th Summer Photography Course

17th Summer Photography Course

24th Summer Photography Course

31st Summer Photography Course


[toggle title=”August”]

7th Summer Photography Course

14th Summer Photography Course

21st New Member’s Evening

28th No Meeting (bank holiday)


[toggle title=”September”]

4th Members Evening

Practical portraiture.

An opportunity for members to get hands on with studio lighting and models.

11th Rosemary Wilman

An evening of contrasts


18th Stafford Steed

USA – the southern states. Images and AV.

25th Albert Bale Trophy

Portrait competition. Members may submit up to two prints.


[toggle title=”October”]

2nd Paul Radden

A bit of him and some of her

9th Goddard Trophy

Panel competition. Members may enter a panel of four prints linked by a theme.

16th Centenary Trophy

AV competition voted upon by members

23rd – 28th Annual Exhibition

30th Member’s Evening

(tba – likely to be a review of the exhibition)


[toggle title=”November”]

6th Annual General Meeting

13th Ron Tear

The black and white picture show

20th Print Competition against Chingford Photographic Society

Held in Walthamstow

27th Member’s Evening

You are the judge.


[toggle title=”December”]

4th Documenting E17

Members photos of Waltham Forest taken through the year

11th Christmas Party

18th No Meeting

Informal drinks may be held in The Bell

25th No Meeting – it Christmas Day after all

