Summer Photography Course – 2016

Summer Photography Course – 2016

The 2015 course proved to be very popular with over 30 people attending, a number of whom still regularly attend and are active within the Society.

In 2016 the course will run from 27th June until 15th August – Monday evenings 7.45pm – 10pm.

It is highly likely to be oversubscribed so if you are interested in attending please sign up as soon as possible.

The course is both practical and theoretical with the simple aim that by the end of the course you will take better photographs.

Over the years hundreds of people have attended, enjoyed, and gained from taking part in the course.

We find that people attend for a whole variety of reasons with common reasons being;

  • Stuck in a rut of taking snapshots and wanting to take quality photos instead
  • Buying a dSLR and never taking it off the automatic setting
  • A rekindling of an interest in photography
  • Technique and science of photography
  • Photographic outings
  • Practical assignments

There will be at least 3 outings on weekends in the Walthamstow area.  Additionally each week practical assignments will be set which relate to what has been covered that week in the course.

This practical work is optional and whilst reviewed this is done anonymously.  Many people find this the best aspect of the course as it stretches photographic skills into areas they may not previously have taken.

We find that most people tend to own dSLR cameras but bridge or compact cameras are often owned.  In the Society many people use bridge or compact cameras including competition winners.



The price of the course is only £65 and this includes membership of the Society until September 2017


“I did not arrive with any particular preconceptions or specific expectations. Course has been very enjoyable and I am very happy with the content.”


“From my perspective the course has had a nice balance. I have sought to attend on Monday evenings and to participate in the field events.”


“As a novice I have learnt a great deal about photography and camera settings”


“I joined the 2013 Walthamstow Photographic Society Summer School.  Prior to this my photography was limited to trying to get better holiday photos than my friends, and I had never taken the camera off auto.

At the Summer School I learnt about the different settings on my camera, how to technically take a good photo, how to be creative taking photos, and most importantly from the homework I was encouraged to try photographing a whole range of different subjects pushing me out of my comfort zone.

Two years later, thanks to the start given at the Summer School, my photography and confidence has come on in leaps and bounds.

I enjoy entering the club competitions and interclub competitions and in 2015 I won the 1 in 100 interclub competition had 6 acceptances for the Southampton International Exhibition.” – Caroline Preece


[toggles class=”yourcustomclass”]
[toggle title=”Understanding your camera” state=”closed”]

Understanding all the knobs, buttons and symbols on your camera and what menu items mean.

    • How to use the Shutter Speed to get the correct exposure or use it to create creative images.
    • How using different Apertures impacts on what is in sharp focus in your images and how to use this Depth of Field for creative image making.
    • Understanding the Aperture/shutter speed relationship.
    • How to Focus and the different in-camera focusing modes available.
    • How to use ISO to cope with different lighting and photography conditions and for creative image making.
    • How to expose images correctly using all the above to improve your images and how to utilise this for creative effect.
    • How to use your camera’s light meter and the various options for in-camera light metering.
    • How to hold a camera and various ways of supporting one for different photographic tasks.
    • Holding the camera – low shutter speeds, technique for different lenses.
    • Exposure modes and what they are best for.
    • What lenses to use for what tasks and understanding focal lengths.
    • How to look after your equipment.

[/toggle] [toggle title=”Composition”]

Understand the different rules that can help improve the composition of an image

  • Rule of thirds
  • Keeping horizons straight
  • Using other aids such as framing, lead in lines etc to improve your image
  • Understand what format to use;  landscape, portrait, square, letterbox, panorama
  • Understanding how your position impacts on the final feel of the image
  • Knowing when to break the ‘rules’

[/toggle] [toggle title=”Coping with changing environments”]

  • Moving objects.
  • Panning.
  • Difficult conditions

[/toggle] [toggle title=”Digital files – storing, editing and printing”]

Managing your images digitally.

  • Moving your images from camera or card to computer
  • Understanding workflow and adopting a workflow model that works for you
  • File management including filing structure, tagging, naming and cataloguing images
  • Looking at software options;  free, hobbyist and professional
  • Preparing your images for printing or other media
  • Presenting your images

[/toggle] [toggle title=”Portrait photography”]

A overview on Portrait photography from a professional portrait photographers point of view.

[/toggle] [toggle title=”Utilising image editing software”]

Digital Processing and image adjustment.

Basic adjustments in Photoshop Elements:

      • Levels.
      • Shadows and Highlights.
      • Brightness and Contrast.
      • Straightening.
      • Cropping.
      • Cloning.
      • Red Eye Elimination.
      • Resizing images.
      • Sharpening.

[/toggle] [toggle title=”Lighting – indoor/outdoor”]

  • Understanding lighting and the effect it has on your final image.
  • How the quality of light changes though the day.
  • How different conditions may cause a Colour shifts and how to rectify this.
  • Working in adverse weather conditions that change the quality of light.
  • Reflectors.
  • Flash / Fill in Flash.
  • Common lighting set-ups

[/toggle] [toggle title=”Photographers’ rights”]

  • What you can and can’t photograph, when and where
  • How to protect your images.
  • Ways of granting to others the right to use your images

[/toggle] [toggle title=”Additional subjects”]

  • London Photography
  • Wildlife Photography
  • Close-up photography
  • Night Photography
  • Black and White Photography


Previous attendees have came from Walthamstow, Leyton, Leytonstone, South Woodford, Woodford, Wanstead, & Chingford.

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