Welcome to the 2018 programme.

Please be aware there may be changes which may need to be made during the year so check out the Monday Night section on the homepage and for more comprehensive information about the speakers, competitions, or member’s evenings.

[toggles class=”yourcustomclass”]
[toggle title=”January”]

8th  Member’s Evening

An informal competition with the theme of ‘Autumn / Winter’

This will be a member voted knockout competition.

15th Pauline Martindale

Me and My Camera

22nd Gareth Davies

Panorama photography

29th Walker Projected

Round one (of three) of the Walker Projected Competition.

Members may submit up to four digital images.

[toggle title=”February” class=”in”]

5th Member’s Evening

Practical portrait photography

3 or 4 photo studios shall be set up in the hall

12th Bob Johnson

The wildebeast migration

19th Projected image competition against Chingford Photographic Society

A local ‘derby’ match against our friends from Chingford

This will take place at their premises;

See their website for details

26th Walker Projected

Round two (of three) of the Walker Projected Competition.

Members may submit up to four digital images.


[toggle title=”March”]

5th Dave Wilcox

Love London!

12th Member’s evening

Portfolio evening

19th Walker Projected

Round three (of three) of the Walker Projected Competition.

Members may submit up to four digital images.

26th Member’s evening

Software & soft proofing



[toggle title=”April”]

2nd Easter Monday – no meeting

9th 1 in a 60 Competition

Held at Walthamstow. Barking and Harlow also taking part.

60 images – one winner!

16th Gary Perimutter

Street photography

23rd Walker Print Competition

Round one (of three) of the Walker Print Competition

Members may submit up to four prints.

30th Member’s Evening

  1. How to make an AV presentation – Phil Atkinson
  2. How to make a timelapse



[toggle title=”May”]

7th May – No meeting (bank holiday)

14th Walker Print Competition

Round two (of three) of the Walker Print Competition

Members may submit up to four prints.

15th Walker Print Competition

Round two (of three) of the Walker Print Competition

Members may submit up to four prints.

21st Roger Hance

Sport in action


28th No Meeting (bank holiday)


[toggle title=”June”]

4th Ken Payne

Photoshop Elements and Lightroom

11th Walker Print Competition

Round three (of three) of the Walker Print Competition

Members may submit up to four prints.

18th City Walk

A members evening where there will be a photographic ramble around the City (somewhere)

25th Summer Photography Course


[toggle title=”July”]

2rd Summer Photography Course

9th Summer Photography Course

16th Summer Photography Course

30th Summer Photography Course


[toggle title=”August”]

6th Summer Photography Course

13th Summer Photography Course

20th New Member’s Evening

27th No Meeting (bank holiday)


[toggle title=”September”]

3rd Members Evening

An informal knockout competition

Theme = ‘Summer’

10th Centenary Trophy

The annual Audio Visual competition

17th John and Anne Wallington

The Capital Ring

24th Albert Bale Trophy

Portrait competition. Members may submit up to two prints.


[toggle title=”October”]

1st Adam Juniper

Drone photography

8th Goddard Trophy

Panel competition. Members may enter a panel of four prints linked by a theme.

15th Inter club competition

An eight way club competition held at Walthamstow

22nd – 27th Annual Exhibition

Held our usual Monday evening meeting space



[toggle title=”November”]

5th Annual General Meeting

12th John Cross

Our very own intrepid traveller – covering Travel Photography

19th Member’s evening

In the style of……

26th Print competition

The second of our local derby competitions against Chingford Photographic Society.

Held at Walthamstow


[toggle title=”December”]


The East Anglia Federation DVD

10th Christmas Party

17th No Meeting

Informal drinks may be held in The Bell

24th No Meeting – it’s Christmas Eve after all

