Happy 2016!

We hope you have all had a good Christmas and New year break and are looking forward to a great 2016 programme, once again put together by Giulia Hetherington.

The first meeting of the year is a low key affair -a member’s evening with a ‘just for fun’ competition on the theme of Winter.

Will we see any photos of the floods, or do members not venture north of Watford Gap?

Members can submit up to three photos, with the usual title format;

01_Philip Atkinson_A Dead Good Photo of Newcastle

02_Philip Atkinson_A Flood

03_Philip Atkinson_Not much of a Winter

If you don’t know how to rename a file then check out these tutorials;

For 2016 we will be using the online submission facility which can be found by clicking this link.

Should you have difficulties with the upload system then please send images to competition@wdps.org

Please avoid bringing a USB drive on the evening unless both above methods have failed. All images will be pre-loaded onto the specialist program we use to show competition images before we arrive at the hall. Adding images on the evening is not only time consuming but can cause errors.

Photos may be of Winter 2015/16 or Winter 2014/15. They must not have been shown in any competition before, or in the Annual Exhibition.

The new projector displays in HD which is 1920 pixels wide by 1024 pixels high. Please ensure your images fit these criteria.